Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Moving Day!!!
Well, moving day is vastly approaching. Tomorrow is the day! I have mixed emotions about it. But, for the most part, I am excited. I'm especially excited for all my new furniture and to get all my stuff put up. It's been about 7 years since I've had all of my belongings out of boxes. I've roamed from place to place and was never able to fully unpack and settle in. So, this will be a good feeling. Let's just hope there is room for all that stuff!!! :o) Thank you in advance to those of you that are helping me move! I really appreciate the help! Now, if I just had everything packed and ready to go, that would make the moving process much easier. I think tonight is going to be a late night. Oh well, it will be worth it.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
My South Park Creations
Monday, January 29, 2007
Cute as a Button

My mom just got a new kitten, named Button. She is 8 weeks old. She is blind in one eye and has a broken tail, but she is still super cute. When you watch her play, you can't tell she's blind in the one eye. That eye is just a little cross eyed, that's the only way you can tell. She's so adorable, I just had to share a picture of her.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Another year older, same treatment
For years I have battled with my age. It seems as if I am treated a certain way because of my age. With work, I am fairly knowledgable with computers, I think quick on my feet and am very good at problem solving. I get my work done quickly and accurately. I also am good at analyzing situations and can look at the big picture rather than just the quick fix for now. What I have found is that the people that I work with that are not in my office take me more seriously. The people I work with at my office treat me like I am a child and like I am too young to be taken seriously. I hear comments about it all the time. But those that work in our other offices have no idea how old I am. Many of these people email or call me directly because they say that they know they can rely on me to get the job done quickly and correctly. No one else in my department has people call directly to their number to get things done. This tells me something about myself and my work. I just wish those people in my office could look past how old I am and look at the job I do instead. This whole concept has also held true with softball. Whenever I get a new pitcher to do lessons with, the parents will talk to me over the phone or through email and like what I have to say about how I teach the girls. But then the first time we meet, the first question they always ask is "now how old are you?" And they always have that skeptical tone when they say it. It just frustrates me! I'm not your typical mid 20's person. I like to think that in many ways I am more mature than most people I know that are my age. Don't judge a book by it's cover!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Another Thank You!!
Thank you to everyone for making this a great birthday! I had a full weekend of birthday fun! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Left or Right?
Ok, switch hitting, not so bad. I've done it and been successful. But, how about switch pitching? Not so easy. Since I have another 3 weeks before I can even attempt to try to throw over hand, I figure it's going to be a couple months before I will be able to try to pitch. Well, I'm not that patient! I have decided to teach myself to pitch left handed. I figure if I can teach a 6 year old to pitch, I should be able to teach myself. So, I started that process Tuesday night. It was definitely not easy! But, I'm going to keep trying!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Next time you should ORDER your pizza!
So, I woke up at 2am last night to a lovely beeping sound. After going all through the apartment putting my ear to everything, I determine it's not coming from inside our apartment. I go out in the hallway and realize it's the apartment above us. So, I lay there awake with the thought of a news story I had heard before going to bed. It was about an apartment fire that killed 7 people. So, there was no way I was falling asleep. So, we knock on the door and ask if everything is ok, a woman answers and says they are fine and shuts the door. There wasn't any sign of smoke and it smelled of burned food. Well, the alarm continues to go off for a half hour or so. Finally, the woman comes knocking on our door and asks for help shutting off the alarms. So, after about an hour of beeping, there was silence. But then the burned pizza smell found it's way down into our apartment. Ugh, it was bad! So, I didn't sleep much last night. But, it least it was just a bad cook and not anything serious!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Lately I've been feeling really off. I'm happy with where I am with my life and the things in my life. I really have very few things to complain about. But, I still find myself getting pulled in to a depression lately. I have been having nightmares for the past few weeks about an event from my childhood. I think this is the main cause for the swings in my mood. I don't understand why it's stuck in the back of my mind these days. It's starting to make me sick. I'm at a point of not wanting to go to sleep just to avoid it. I know this isn't the right path to choose. I need to really stop and process what my mind is trying to make me process. But, I find myself so busy these days that I don't have time to stop and think about anything. I also makes lots of excuses to avoid thinking about it because I pretty much just don't want to. It has taken up so much of my thoughts, I thought I was past this, but now it's back. I want to be able to move on. I also have put a lot on my plate this year. I've stretched myself a little too thin. I'm not giving up on any of it though. I've made commitments and I'm going to stick to them. But, what I do want is for the dreams to stop! It's like a ghost haunting me.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Apartment Update
Well, it's looking like we'll be moving in to our apartment February 1st! I'm excited to get moved in. I'm looking forward to getting all the furniture I've ordered. I've already got pictures and such to decorate with. I pretty much have everything I need. Just pillows and cleaning supplies are left to buy. That's pretty simple to get. Too bad softball is about to hit in to high gear and I'll be on the go all the time and will barely even be at my apartment. But oh well, such is life!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Ok, so I took forever to write this, but oh well, you'll live! Christmas was wonderful! I had a great time at my dad's and then a very nice time at my mom's and went to church. Michael and I had a nice Christmas morning. I hope everyone had as nice of a time as I did! New Year's was also very nice. I surprised Michael with a very romantic dinner. Then we went home and watched movies. That's my type of New Year's Eve! I hate being out with all the drunks. Especially since we got our first snow storm that day. We did go out saturday night also though. I was able to shoot darts with my right arm! That's the most I've been able to do since my surgery. So, I was very happy. That night was a blast. Then New Year's Day we spent at our friends' house and watched football. That was fun too. All in all, it's been a good couple weeks.
Oh, and by the way... I got a boat, I got a boat, I got a boat, hey, hey, hey, hey!
I got a fishing boat for Christmas! It's awesome! A lot of thought and a lot of work went in to and I'd like to thank all those involved. Here's some pictures:

Oh, and I bought myself a new car too!!! Had to have something to pull the boat! :o)