Ok, so I took forever to write this, but oh well, you'll live! Christmas was wonderful! I had a great time at my dad's and then a very nice time at my mom's and went to church. Michael and I had a nice Christmas morning. I hope everyone had as nice of a time as I did! New Year's was also very nice. I surprised Michael with a very romantic dinner. Then we went home and watched movies. That's my type of New Year's Eve! I hate being out with all the drunks. Especially since we got our first snow storm that day. We did go out saturday night also though. I was able to shoot darts with my right arm! That's the most I've been able to do since my surgery. So, I was very happy. That night was a blast. Then New Year's Day we spent at our friends' house and watched football. That was fun too. All in all, it's been a good couple weeks.
Oh, and by the way... I got a boat, I got a boat, I got a boat, hey, hey, hey, hey!
I got a fishing boat for Christmas! It's awesome! A lot of thought and a lot of work went in to and I'd like to thank all those involved. Here's some pictures:

Oh, and I bought myself a new car too!!! Had to have something to pull the boat! :o)

We had a great holiday week too! I am excited about your boat! Now we can go boating together and have sand bar parties! Why are the photos so small? Nice new car too. Let's go out and get muddy! I always pack the tow straps in mine!
1/02/2007 1:14 PM
we want bigger pictures!
1/02/2007 11:25 PM
My holiday was awesome! We had a great time and I am glad I spent it with you.
The boat is cool! I just hope you don't run out of gas with me on it and start singing "Michael, row this boat ashore..."
I really like your Jeep. The suspension is nice and tight for those smooth rides home after a night out!
1/03/2007 8:16 AM
Hey Michael! What's up with your blog. It's so quiet I thought you died. I am sure you were probably so busy at work last week you had no time to type... oh wait a minute, nevermind. Scratch that thought.
So Kristen, I still haven't recieved a confirmation on when we are going to go break in the transfer case on that Jeep. You realize we are going to have some awesome mud and slop over the next few days as the temperatures warm up.
1/03/2007 11:00 AM
OnionBoy - deal with it!
Michael - That's so not right! No need to remind me of the lovely bumpy ride and tequila combination!
Sasquatch - I'd rather mess up your Jeep than mine. Besides, you're about to leave and go to a warmer climate, I'm mad at you for not taking me with!!! Leaving me here in the cold! Oh, and you should comment Michael on his blog, not mine!
1/03/2007 2:30 PM
Now wait a minute, let's not forget whose Jeep it really is!!!
1/03/2007 2:57 PM
Feel free to vacation in a warmer climate any time you like. You are a big girl! You have my blessing to go anytime you like.
As for commenting on the blog belonging to the appropriate person... why? He doesn't type to his own blog until something extraordinary happens. It's a very good thing he is a computer geek rather than a cryolithology
Yes, I know . I have fun using words you aren't familar with. Rest assured I do not do so to make myself feel smart, but to make you look them up! Furthermore it's worth a laugh if your 4-wheelin' challenged honey reads this and and actually gets it. Wait, I take that back. that's just a lack of common sence. "wheelin" experience has nothing to do with it.
And to "anonymous".... I have a feeling the title has my name first and yours second. Then again it doesn't matter cause I am the only one that treats it like it's supposed to be. It might as well be a Yugo to you... "simple transportation". Scratches on the sides, crushed exhaust pipes, smashed tranny pans, water in the differentials, broken sway bar mounts (oops, never told you about that one), these are all my marks! If you want to stake a claim it's time you get dirty.
1/03/2007 4:01 PM
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