Monday, April 30, 2007

First Catch of '07

So I finally got my fishing boat out! The motor worked great (thanks for fixing it!). The weather was beautiful. Saturday night Michael and I took it out and he caught a Walleye and some Crappie and I caught one Crappie. I told him to be careful out-fishing the owner of the boat, I might not let him go again. But then I remembered I don't have a hitch on my Jeep yet to pull the boat and haven't learned how to do the motor or the trolling motor yet. So, I had to take back what I said. Sunday morning we went again and took my dad. It was such a perfect day out. It was so relaxing and the weather was perfect. Below are some pictures from Saturday night. They aren't the best pics since they were taken with a phone right in the sunlight, but oh well.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I must say I am quite disappointed in the lack of response to my last post. I was asking for input and advice and only one person stepped up to the plate. Thanks for the comment Sasquatch, by the way. I know more than just one person read it and would have liked more feedback.

Friday, April 20, 2007


I never realized how much of a role environment plays on our personalities. For months now I've been in this funk I couldn't find my way out of. Snappy and bitchy all the time. Always feeling tired and down. Well, the past few weeks one negative part of my day has been removed. It's amazing how much better it has made me feel. The work day flies by, I am much more pleasant to those around me, I even walk a little taller. I all together have a better outlook on life. It's been wonderful. Those of you who know me well know how busy I am with work and softball. When I was constantly around this negative force it was making work miserable and then that carried over into my softball. I love softball and coaching so the fact that I was even in a bad mood at practices and lessons truly had me baffled. Now that the negativity has been temporarily removed I realized it's not really me. So even though I love my life and am happy, someone constantly ranting negativity in your ear can give you a delusional feeling of hating life. It's crazy. Well, there will always be negative people in our lives, especially when it comes to being at work. There are always unhappy people at every job. So, how do I stay positive and happy when surrounded by negativity 40 hours a week? I truly need opinions, advice, anything you got to help me with this. I've loved how I've felt the past couple weeks and want it to continue even when the negativity returns.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Pictures

These are pictures from my mom's house. Taylor and her friend probably took about 100 pictures of themselves, but there were a few of other people.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Mine was very special to me. I went over to my dad's and had a nice visit with my dad and stepmom (Beth). Then I went over to my mom's to have dinner. Michael and his girls came over (plus Taylor's friend). This was something unexpected, but a very nice surprise. I hadn't seen Taylor for over 6 months, so it was really good to see her. McKenna was a doll as usual. We had dinner and played some games. I got my old doll house out for McKenna to play with. That was fun to bring back old memories of playing with that. It was my favorite toy growing up. It was a great day. I loved being able to spend the holiday with everyone I love.