Tuesday, June 05, 2012

June 5, 2012

I have started many posts over the past couple months but never seem to finish my thoughts.  I've just had too much going on.  I finally feel like I have a chance to breath.  Softball has slowed down.  We just finished our last tournament until August.  The girls did great.  They are really starting to come together and show how hard they've worked.  That's what makes me enjoy what I do so much.  Work is busy as usual, just can't ever seem to get caught up.  But that's better than being bored for sure!  I went back home to Omaha for a visit in March.  My dad didn't know I was coming so it was so much fun to surprise him!!  We surprised him at a restaurant, it was perfect!!  I spent a lot of time with my parents and my friend Mike.  I had a great time, this was my favorite visit back home.  I learned how to shoot a shot gun while I was there.  We went out to my mom and step dad's new property in Iowa. I surprisingly hit my target, but of course it wasn't moving.  But I'll be proud of it anyways.  Oh and I rode my first ferris wheel!  Mike had no idea I have a fear of them and hadn't been on one before. I didn't say  a word until we were already on it and I survived :).  I still don't get out much to just have fun here but I'm working on that.  I went to a minor A baseball game last week.  They had unlimited wings from all kinds of booths from different restaurants.  It was fun to try the different kinds.  Although since I'm such a wuss and only eat BBQ or teriyaki wings it was a bit limited for me.  But my friend wasn't even phased by the hottest of the hottest so I was impressed.  Although he sure was sweating so I think he was just really good at faking it.  ha ha.  This weekend I am going to lunch and movie with some girl friends.  Other than that it's work, softball and majority of my free time is spent with my "Florida family"  I swear I practically live at my friend Beth's house.  But she is great and I love her kids and I guess Andy is OK too...  lol. 


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