Friday, November 24, 2006


First of all, Welcome baby Nyah!! Mike and Erin had a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations!!! I'm excited to meet her. Also, I believe most of you know this, but I want to officially announce that I have a new boyfriend. Michael and I have been dating now for a few months. He is a wonderful man. We get along great and he treats me better than I ever imagined possible. He's definitely a romantic. We have fun doing just about anything (even grocery shopping has become fun!). I'm extremely happy! Below are a couple pictures of us.

That Time of Year

Today begins my favorite holiday season. I absolutely love all the light of decorations for Christmas! I started my decorating last night. Being in a new place, I had to go out and buy some new decorations. It was very difficult not to go on a shopping spree for decorations. I have a thing against having a big fake tree. I don't mind little fake trees, but the main one in my home MUST be real. Thank goodness I'm with someone who is all for it. We're going to the tree farm next weekend to pick out a tree! Yay! That makes me very happy. I bought 2 new christmas CDs earlier this month and wouldn't listen to them until after Thanksgiving. So, I get to open them today. Hopefully they will be worth the wait. I also have almost all of my shopping done. I love buying presents. My biggest problem is waiting until Christmas to give them out. I bought things in Germany that were supposed to be Christmas gifts, but that didn't work out so well, I gave them to everyone already. Oops! :-) Oh well. That's enough of that, just wanted to share my excitement.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Life is full of all kinds of events and changes. For those of you who know me, I am no stranger to drama. I have a past (like everyone else) and there are things I just can't completely get past. But here's my question, should I get past everything? Or are there things that are ok to not just forget. Forgive and Forget. I am hating that saying more and more. I used to hold a lot of grudges. Especially with family. I never felt loved by either side of my family (I'm talking about my extended family, not my parents), except for my great grandma. Well, over the past couple years both of my grandmothers have put in a little extra effort to try to have a relationship with me. At first I was VERY skeptical and didn't want to give in. I then realized life is too short for grudges and have tried to accept them. This hasn't had great results, but nothing negative has come from it. It's still a work in progress. So, I evaluated other parts of my life. There are others I've tried to forgive for things in the past and have been able to move on and have pleasant experiences because of this. But, there is one major issue that I just can't seem to bring myself to forgive or forget about. I'm not going in to detail, those of you who are closer to me already know this anyways. But, when someone completely ruins all trust and disrespects you in the worst way you can imagine, do they deserve forgiveness? And is the forgiveness there to make myself feel better and to move on or am I forgiving this person to make them feel better? Or in the case I'm in now, should I do it to make things easier on those around us? I'm really torn. Holidays should be a happy time, but for me this holiday is turning in to one big ball of stress. Is it really worth it? Why can't I just put my feelings aside and just make things run smooth? Wouldn't that make things a lot more simple? But then, I feel I'm disrespecting myself and then who is there to forgive me for that? Well, I'm done rambling, I don't really expect answers to all these question marks, but feel free to drop comments if you have any, I'm all ears.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


We had our first practice for the Xtreme team last night. Not all of the girls could make it, but it was still a good practice. The girls worked hard and did very well. We were able to get a lot accomplished in the short amount of time we were in the gym. I love the attitude and personalities of the girls. This should be a fun year! The younger team I'm assistant coaching is coming along as well. We're taking a break from team practices until January, but we got in a lot of work in the fall. The girls are a lot of fun and work hard. My pitching lessons are starting to pick up. The problem is finding indoor facilities. I'm looking into finding a place of my own. If anyone knows of any warehouses or a place that could be used for indoor pitching, please let me know. My hope is to find a place big enough to put a batting cage in. But, that may take me a while to find. I'm not giving up though!

Monday, November 06, 2006


I'm getting excited to move into my new apartment. Our building should be done being built in January! It gives me such an independent feeling. I picked a living room set. It's all set to be delivered in January! It's really cute, although definitely more than I wanted to spend. I also got a couple things for the kitchen. Now I need to get a bed and dresser, comforter set and a desk chair. Luckily I have time to spread it all out and not have to rush into buying it all at once. I've NEVER picked out my own furniture, so this is really exciting to me. And, I've always either lived at my parents or with a boyfriend. So, moving in with a roommate is going to be different. I think it will be good.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Surgery Update

I got my cast off yesterday. It was nice to scratch all those itches!!! I'm still in my sling for a little over three weeks and can't do much with my arm or hand. I can slowly try to straighten and bend, but that's not working out yet. I'm taking my time and not rushing the recovery like I did with previous surgeries. We took some pictures, so enjoy a look!

isn't the bruise pretty?!

this is the biggest blister, they had to drain it

This is how long the incision is (close to 4 inches I think). I think he was playing connect the freckles, it's not very straight.