Thursday, June 08, 2006


I am rarely at a stage for a loss of things to write about, but this has been one of those weeks. I guess nothing exciting that I can write about has happened. Although, that can be a good thing, at least I have nothing to complain about right? I'll just babble for a bit. For the past year I have worked really hard at trying to look more positively at things and not always see just the bad things. I have found that this is a much more satisfying way to live. I grew up with a parent that always saw the negative in everything and dwells on those bad things. I developed the same attitude and was not exactly pleasant to be around at times (well, lots of times). I don't remember being very happy and cheerful growing up. I definitely have a different outlook on life these days and try to stay happy as much as possible. I still have my moments, I pout and grumble and get mad. But, I'm much better at just being that way for a short amount of time, instead of carrying that on for days. I think that every once in a while every one needs to take a step back for a moment and analyze themselves. Try to see how you appear to other people. For a long time I always said that if I was any of my friends and I had met me, I wouldn't like me. That's a horrible way to feel about yourself and the worst part of it was, I thought that way but did nothing about it. I now take a step back every couple years and look at who I am and make sure I am happy with who I am. If I see things I don't like, I fix those things. The important thing about changing yourself is that you should never change yourself just because someone else wants you to change. Ok, I'm done rambling now.


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