Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I forgot how much I enjoy food! I am finally able to eat again. And I know many of you were enjoying the mute version of me, but get over it. I can talk again! It's good to be healthy. Although, the whole losing 15 pounds thing has caused some issues. First, I have Scott who thinks all of a sudden my body is super hot now and can't keep his hands off of me. He keeps telling me not to gain any of the weight back. Then I meet my mom for dinner and before I can sit down she's telling me how horrible I look and how she needs to fatten me up. She said I've lost too much and look like the walking dead. How can two people have such different views of me and how am I supposed to ever have a positive outlook of my own body when there are such conflicting opinions of what looks good. Here's what I have to say about it, do either of you care that I feel better now?! I lost the weight from being sick and I'm sure it's going to be back soon. I don't really care! I looked fine before and I look fine now! My body does not make me who I am and should not dictate what people think of me. Both my boyfriend and my mother are two people that I would have expected to love me for who I am and not obsess over a few pounds. Honestly, 15 pounds doesn't make that big of difference. It's not enough to suddenly make me look hot and it's not enough to make me look like a skeleton. It's only enough to make my jeans a little baggy. Big woop. Anyways, just had to vent a little, people just annoy me sometimes. I'll be over it by the end of the day. I'm just thrilled to be feeling better and I can go back to enjoying life again!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, for one, am also thrilled that you are feeling better and don't give a rats ass about your physical appearance!! The fact that you are healthy and can finally smart back to all the crap I dish out is what really matters! You are a beautiful woman but more especially, a gorgeous person! Welcome back to the healthy world!

5/30/2006 3:46 PM

Blogger GingerKid said...

It is nice being a smart ass again. I've missed giving you crap!

5/31/2006 9:35 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

does this mean i have to quit stealing the candy out of your drawer at work?

5/31/2006 9:38 AM

Blogger GingerKid said...

I, of course, buy extras just for thieves like yourself. I should be nice, you have snuck food back in to my desk. But, being nice just wouldn't be me!

5/31/2006 10:34 AM


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