Monday, December 04, 2006

Look Ma, Two Hands!!!

I meant to post this last week, but just couldn't find the time. I got out of my sling last week. Unfortunately, my elbow locked up a bit and the farthest I could sraighten my arm was at a 60 degree angle. So, I'm not doing physical therapy a couple times a week. I love my physical therapist though, she's a lot of fun. I worked with her right after the accident. So, it's been like catching up with an old friend. It's coming along, I think I'm at about a 25 degree angle now. I also have a tight wrap on my arm that is helping the swelling go down and a patch on my scar to help make the scar soften and heal faster. So, that is going well. It's a ton of pain, but I know it will be worth it, so I'm pushing through it and not holding back. I know my limitations and won't do anything to cause damage though.


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