Friday, October 13, 2006


Remember that car accident I got in back in December? Well, I'm having surgery because of it on October 26th. I went to physical therapy right after the accident for my right elbow and we thought things were going to be ok. But then I noticed my fingers going numb and having limited movement. So, I had to go back and they did a nerve study and found some damage. We tried a couple prescriptions and I quit pitching (which sucks because I absolutely love pitching and was starting to throw pretty good again). Nothing has worked, so they are going to move the nerve in my elbow. This sounds very unpleasant and I'm not looking forward to it. But, if I wait, I risk having permamant damage. The doctor doing the surgery is the same one who did my wrist and should surgeries back in high school. So, I have all the confidence in the world in him, but I'm still nervous. I'll probably write updates after my surgery, but for now, wish me luck!


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