Friday, October 06, 2006

New Happenings!

Well, it's official, Maxeen and I will be moving in to an apartment together. Unfortunately the building we'll be moving in to isn't done being built yet, won't be done til January. So, we're going to be staying at a friend's place until then. But, I'm VERY excited about our new place. I am excited about going on my trip from the 14th thru the 21st. I'm getting very anxious for that. But, I really don't like to fly, so I'm still nervous, it's going to be a LONG flight. I have a couple books I'm in the middle of though, so maybe I'll get them finished on the flights. That's wishful thinking though, I'll probably sleep through most of it. I'm going to a Husker game with my Dad tomorrow. We're driving to ISU. That should be a lot of fun. I love my dad, he's awesome. Then Sunday I have 2 pitching lessons and 3 softball games (to coach). So, I have a very sports themed weekend. Should be a fun weekend. A friend of mine was just in the hospital, so I want to wish her a get well message. Hope you're doing better and that everything goes well for you and the baby! Ok, I'm done babbling for today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend's place huh... and who is this friend???? Hmmmmmmmmm... :oP

10/10/2006 4:36 PM

Blogger GingerKid said...

He's a nerdy old guy, he thinks I like him or something.

10/10/2006 10:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait, you're going to have to be more specific, that description fits me, and i don't remember saying anyone could move in... but if you need to you can all share a room with kevin.

10/11/2006 8:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even the nerdy old guy????? I'll have to go with the No option.

10/11/2006 10:58 AM

Blogger GingerKid said...

Last time I saw it, there was even room for Kevin in that room!

And the nerdy old guy descrption could actually be describing three of you that I know read this. But, the one and only knows who he is! If not, well, you'll have a big surprise when we move in!!

10/11/2006 12:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey now. I know two of the three guys have already replied on this thread. That leaves me, but I am not nerdy, however old is not out of line.

10/13/2006 4:30 PM


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