Thursday, February 08, 2007


So, my recovery from my surgery is almost complete! Of course, I don't have the same movement in my arm, can't straighten it the same as I could before. Part of my arm will always be numb and it's tender and tingly in other parts. But, I now have better movement and feeling in all of my fingers. I was able to play catch the other night without a whole lot of pain. That was awesome! I've been wanting to throw for months. Between coaching and doing pitching lessons, I have 16 hours of a softball a week. Going to that much softball and not being able to throw or anything was torture!!!! I feel human again to start getting back in to things.


Blogger Unknown said...

hmmm swing dancing can't be far off!

2/08/2007 2:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if your just now starting to feel human again, what were you feeling like till now?

2/08/2007 3:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surgery did well for you! You were throwing more accurately and harder. I must say, it was great to see you smiling from ear to ear!

2/09/2007 10:44 AM


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