Good, good, good
Ok, so I like this whole new positive outlook I've had on life lately. I don't know if it's that more good things are happening around me than normal or if I've just learned to shake the bad off and focus on the good. Either way, I'm liking it! So here's what's new. Every day now I am reassured that I have made the right decision at work. Things happen every day to show me just how unhappy I currently am and am definitely looking forward to some new scenery. Tryouts were held last weekend. I was thrilled with the turnout! We had 8 new girls come to try out last weekend and we have 3 more this weekend and 1 more next weekend that couldn't make it to the official day. So that's 12 new girls! There were many talented girls and the others are definitely on their way, just need someone to work with them and they'll be good ball players. I'm very optimistic about next year, I think we're going to have a fun, hard working group of girls. I'm picking up some new pitchers for pitching lessons, that's always a good thing. And my current students continue to make progress. Coaching (both the teams and pitchers) has really been a great positive influence in my life. It really makes me feel good, I get so proud of these girls for what they accomplish and it makes me feel good to know I had a part in it. It's really made me start to think about going back to school and getting a teaching certificate. That's something I wanted to do in the past and changed my mind due to various reasons that are unnecessary to bring up now. I just don't know if I would get the same satisfaction out of teaching kids in a classroom as I do coaching. It is definitely something that will need some serious thinking before making any kind of a decision. I'm looking forward to this weekend, Michael and I are hooking up the camper and going to a close by campground. We're staying close so that we can still do our planned weekend events, but yet still be able to relax at the campfire at night. I'm definitely looking forward to that! Well, that's the latest with me.
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